Tailwind CSS Cheatsheet

30 Tailwind CSS essentials to help you focus on building your app instead of looking up class names

🎥 Watch the full guide on youtube


 [Tailwindcss class] 


📋 Copy
<p class="text-slate-300">This text is colored!</p>
<p class="text-red-500">This text is colored!</p>
<p class="text-green-400">This text is colored!</p>
<p class="text-blue-700/10">This text is colored and opaque!</p>

This text is colored!

This text is colored!

This text is colored!

This text is colored and opaque!

Background color

📋 Copy
 <div class="bg-amber-500 h-full">This div has a background color</div> 
This div has a background color

Text size

📋 Copy
<p class="text-sm">This text has it's font size adjusted</p>
<p class="text-base">This text has it's font size adjusted</p>
<p class="text-lg">This text has it's font size adjusted</p>
<p class="text-5xl">This text has it's font size adjusted</p>

This text has it's font size adjusted

This text has it's font size adjusted

This text has it's font size adjusted

This text has it's font size adjusted

Text alignment

📋 Copy
<p class="text-left">This text is aligned to the left</p>
<p class="text-center">This text is aligned to the center</p>
<p class="text-right">This text is aligned to the right</p>

This text is aligned to the left

This text is aligned to the center

This text is aligned to the right

Width and height

📋 Copy
  <div class="w-52 h-52">
    This div has a width of 52px and a height of 52px
  <div class="w-full h-full">
    This div has a width of 100% and a height of 100%
  <div class="w-1/3 h-1/3">
    This div has a width of 33.33% and a height of 33.33%
This div has a width of 52px and a height of 52px
This div has a width of 100% and a height of 100%
This div has a width of 33.33% and a height of 33.33%


📋 Copy
<p class="p-12">Text with padding</p>
<p class="px-6">Text with padding</p>
<p class="py-4">Text with padding</p>
<p class="pl-6">Text with padding</p>

Text with padding

Text with padding

Text with padding

Text with padding


📋 Copy
<p class="m-12">Text with margin</p>
<p class="mx-6">Text with margin</p>
<p class="my-4">Text with margin</p>
<p class="ml-6">Text with margin</p>

Text with margin

Text with margin

Text with margin

Text with margin

Child spacing

📋 Copy
<div class="space-y-parent space-y-6">
  <p>This item is spaced on it's y axis</p>
  <p>This item is spaced on it's y axis</p>
  <p>This item is spaced on it's y axis</p>
<div class="space-x-parent flex space-x-6">
  <p>This item is spaced on it's x axis</p>
  <p>This item is spaced on it's x axis</p>
  <p>This item is spaced on it's x axis</p>

This item is spaced on it's y axis

This item is spaced on it's y axis

This item is spaced on it's y axis

This item is spaced on it's x axis

This item is spaced on it's x axis

This item is spaced on it's x axis


📋 Copy
<p class="visible">Visible p tag</p>
<p class="invisible">Invisible p tag</p>

Visible p tag


📋 Copy
<div class="border-4 border-sky-500">This div has a border</div>
<div class="border-l-2 border-sky-500">This div has a left border</div>
This div has a border
This div has a left border

Border radius

📋 Copy
<div class="border border-teal-500 rounded-md">
  This div has a border radius on all sides
<div class="border border-teal-500 rounded-t-3xl">
  This div has a border radius on the top left and top right
<div class="border border-teal-500 rounded-bl-2xl">
  This div has a border radius on the bottom left
This div has a border radius on all sides
This div has a border radius on the top left and top right
This div has a border radius on the bottom left


📋 Copy
<div class="shadow-sm">Shadow small</div>
<div class="shadow-lg">Shadow large</div>
<div class="shadow-inner">Shadow inner</div>
Shadow small
Shadow large
Shadow inner


📋 Copy
<div class="opacity-25">Opacity 25%</div>
<div class="opacity-50">Opacity 50%</div>
<div class="opacity-75">Opacity 75%</div>
<div class="opacity-100">Opacity 100%</div>
Opacity 25%
Opacity 50%
Opacity 75%
Opacity 100%

Cursor pointer

📋 Copy
<button class="border-4 border-blue-500 cursor-pointer">
  Button with a cursor
<button class="border-4 border-blue-500 cursor-not-allowed">
  Button you cannot click


📋 Copy
<button class="border-4 bg-blue-200 transition-all duration-1000 hover:bg-blue-800">
  Button with a transition


📋 Copy
<div class="flex">
  <p>This p tag is flexed</p>
  <p>This p tag is flexed</p>
  <p>This p tag is flexed</p>

This p tag is flexed

This p tag is flexed

This p tag is flexed

Flex wrap

📋 Copy
<div class="flex flex-wrap">
  <p class="pr-6">This p tag is flexed</p>
  <p class="pr-6">This p tag is flexed</p>
  <p class="pr-6">This p tag is flexed</p>
  <p class="pr-6">This p tag is flexed</p>
  <p class="pr-6">This p tag is flexed</p>
  <p class="pr-6">This p tag is flexed</p>
  <p class="pr-6">This p tag is flexed</p>
  <p class="pr-6">This p tag is flexed</p>
  <p class="pr-6">This p tag is flexed</p>

This p tag is flexed

This p tag is flexed

This p tag is flexed

This p tag is flexed

This p tag is flexed

This p tag is flexed

This p tag is flexed

This p tag is flexed

This p tag is flexed

Flex apart

📋 Copy
<div class="flex justify-between">
  <p class="pr-6">This p tag is flexed with space between</p>
  <p class="pr-6">This p tag is flexed with space between</p>

This p tag is flexed with space between

This p tag is flexed with space between

Flex around

📋 Copy
<div class="flex justify-around">
  <p>Flexed with space around</p>
  <p>Flexed with space around</p>
  <p>Flexed with space around</p>

Flexed with space around

Flexed with space around

Flexed with space around

Flex gap

📋 Copy
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-5">
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>

<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-x-8">
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>
  <p>Flexed with gaps</p>

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps

Flexed with gaps


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 grid grid-cols-4 grid-rows-2 


📋 Copy
 columns-1 md:columns-3 

Position absolute

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<div class="relative">
  <div class="absolute right-10 bottom-5"> Absolute div </div>
Absolute div

Position fixed

📋 Copy
<div class="relative">
  <p class="border-4 m-6 w-24 text-center cursor-pointer" @click="showFixed = !showFixed"> Click me </p>
  <div class="fixed right-0 top-0 text-3xl w-52 h-52 border-4 border-amber-500" :class="showFixed ? 'visible' : 'invisible'"> Fixed div </div>

Click me


📋 Copy
<div class="relative">
  <div class="absolute z-1 w-24 h-24 border bg-green-500 left-5 top-5"> zindex 1 </div>
  <div class="absolute z-2 w-24 h-24 border bg-red-500 left-10 top-10"> zindex 2 </div>
  <div class="absolute z-3 w-24 h-24 border bg-blue-500 left-20 top-20"> zindex 3 </div>
zindex 1
zindex 2
zindex 3

Pointer Events

📋 Copy
<div class="flex flex-col">
  <p>Open the dev console and click each button</p>
  <button class="w-60 cursor-pointer border-4 border-blue-500 pointer-events-auto" @click="clickPointerEventAuto"> Button with pointer events auto </button>
  <button class="w-60 cursor-pointer border-4 border-blue-500 pointer-events-none" @click="clickPointerEventAuto"> Button with pointer events none </button>

Open the dev console and click each button